Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Real Story on John Kerry's Military Service Is a site run by the men who served with Kerry in Vietnam. They have recently released this ad describing their version of Kerry's service.

This is also the same group that has published the book, "Unfit For Command," which I blogged about here.

Watch the ad, buy the book, and send it to all of your friends who are still undecided about who to vote for in November.

It is very difficult to wade through all of the political noise that accompanies presidential elections, but I find that a couple of sites serve as anchors in the sea of political chaos.

The first is I like this because they seem to take a fairly balanced view of some of the more common claims by the candidates.

The next is I like this one because you can find out who is giving money to which candidate. I especially like to look up the donors for failed candidates (like Howard Dean). One of the interesting things to look at is who gave money to all the candidates to hedge their bets. These are usually lawyers who just want to have a stake in the game no matter who wins.

Finally, I just started perusing This is another candidate contribution website but this one gives more information on PACs and 527s. It is especially interesting to see which industries and groups give to which candidates. Again, the lawyers seem to play both sides.

The most important thing is to pursue all the facts before making a decision.