Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Fallout From DP's Bush Endorsement

The DP endorsed President Bush in this weekend's edition.

This morning, the letter writing, protest campaign began.

As the Post's editorial note states:

Every letter we received was critical of the Post endorsement...

Every letter? Why is it that Kerry supporters thought they would get the endorsement? Were they confident in the liberal slant of the Post? Some of the letters said they expected the RMN to give the endorsement to Bush, but not the DP. Others said they believed the DP endorsement was a spoof.

Personally, I don't think newspaper endorsements amount to much. Yes, it's free campaigning for the candidate that gets the endorsement, but as we see from today's onslaught, it can also be a means of energizing the base. It is possible that the elusive undecided voter may go with the paper's endorsement, but if a voter is still skeptical of either candidate at this point, they are most likely skeptical of any paper's opinion as well.