Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Bad Ag!

Another story from my alma mater:

Texas A&M students started camping out to buy tickets for this year's SBC Cotton Bowl on Sunday. The matchup features the Aggies taking on Tennessee in Dallas on New Year's Day.

According to Fox News, there's one student who wasn't generating much holiday cheer. Thursday morning at 4:30 a.m., an unnamed woman strode past sleeping fans and took her place at the front of the line.

When the dozing students awoke and protested, the woman grabbed the sign-up list of students, some of whom had been waiting for days, and ate it.

There is nothing in GALP (Generally Accepted Line Principles) that can even come close to justifying this. If there is a group of people waiting for something, you don't just go to the head of the line. Especially when there is a system for maintaining the line. Respectful members of society just don't do this.

When I went to A&M, we camped out for tickets and the list system was in effect. It is a very fair way of honoring a place in line while still allowing students to go to class or go to sleep.

I've heard that in other countries, the line concept is not followed. Instead there is more of a herd mentality. However, in the U.S., especially in Texas, and most definitely at Texas A&M, there are conventions that everyone adheres to. This girl is lucky that all she got was a guy grabbing her wrist. On some less courteous campuses, she's likely to have suffered much worse.