Monday, February 28, 2005

More Good Stuff From This Weekend's RMN

While reading this column from Mark Brown at the RMN this weekend, I wished that it could have been printed in the editorial column, rather than on the last page of the arts and entertainment section:

"Everyone, I guess, has the right to do something to make the world a little less pleasant for us all to live in, be it TV programming execs or the guy next door.

This came home again recently when Shasta Bates made news with a bumper sticker ('F--- Bush') that made her a brief cause celebre when a police officer (who apparently flunked civics) threatened to arrest her for it.

Yeah, she had the absolute right to speak her mind. Too bad that the thought was so shallow. Does 'F--- Bush' change anyone's view or add to the discussion? Or does it just reinforce what you already believe, one way or another?

If she really wanted to change minds, she might have gotten a sticker that provoked a little thought rather than knee-jerk reactions. Myself, I laughed out loud when I saw the one that said 'Where am I? Where are we going? Why am I in this handbasket?' Or another one a few years ago: 'When guns are outlawed, only outlaws' kids will accidentally shoot themselves.' "

I, too, laughed out loud at the handbasket joke.