Tuesday, June 28, 2005

AP/Ipsos Iraq Survey

There is a new AP/Ipsos survey on Iraq. It shows that 53% of the respondents think the decision to go to war was a mistake.

I checked the internals of this poll and what a surprise, 50% of the registered voters who responded were Democrats, while only 40% were Republicans.

However, even with the oversampling of Democrats, 59% said we should stay in Iraq until it is stabilized, further reinforcing the argument that the MoveOns of the world are out of touch with the party they most identify with.

The question that I find the most interesting is D7a: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? Why ask this, especially when the next question asks about religious preference? Do those crazy evangelicals need to be separated out from the rest of the demoninations? Although there is no correlation analysis, I suspect the 43% of the respondents that identified themselves as evangelicals or born-again were mostly the same as the 42% that said we made the right decision to go to Iraq.