Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Different View of Price Gouging

From the "I-never-looked-at-it-that-way-before" departmentJohn Stossel's article about price gouging makes you stop and think:

"The people the softheaded politicians think are cruelest are doing the most to help. Assuming the demand for bottled water was going to go up, they bought a lot of it, planning to resell it at a steep profit. If they hadn't done that, that water would not have been available for the people who need it the most."

Some of these softheads include Senator Clinton, who has demanded an inquiry into the oil companies. I say go ahead and do your inquiry. As a taxpayer, I'll support it. On the condition that after the inquiry is conducted and the results show that there is no evidence to support the charge of price gouging, Senator Clinton goes on the record aplogizing and saying, "I was wrong."

Hey, I can dream can't I?