Saturday, August 14, 2004

Christmas in Cambodia - The Emerging Story

Joshua over at View From a Height posted earlier this morning about the lack of attention that Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia story is getting from the top tier media.

In this morning's RMN, Dave Kopel goes after the Denver Dailies and specific columnists (Littwin and Spencer) for criticizing Bush and the Swifties, while giving Kerry a pass:

The News ignored the story of Kerry retracting three decades of Christmas-in-Cambodia tales. The Post also ignored the story, and instead ran the attack on John Corsi which had appeared the day before in the News.

It is as if the media had covered the Bush National Guard story only by impugning Bush's critics, while barely acknowledging the substance of the charges.

The blogosphere and the second tier newspapers have kept this story going. Let's hope it has reached enough ears to make a difference.