Saturday, March 05, 2005

How to Look at the Other Side

In the Letters section of the RMN this morning, a Grant D. Cyrus from Boulder thinks he's found a way for liberals to watch Fox News:

"I think maybe I've changed my mind about Fox News in one respect. If you force yourself to watch it and simply reverse the particular perspective of the commentator, virtually any of them, you're probably able to get a pretty good idea of what's going on.

It's too bad that they have such insecurity - or is it guilt? - about their vision or purpose. I see this as their debate comes out in mad-dog shouting tactics and subtle holier-than-thou sermons . . . but with very little perspective, intellectual integrity or even practical considerations.

They're pushing such a delusional perspective of this administration and this war that there's barely room for sanity to be found in almost any and every single one of the 'news shows' I've forced myself myself to experience."

Now, simply pretend you're reading a letter about AM 760 - Boulder's Progressive (Read: Raving Liberal) Talk Radio. Isn't that crazy? It works perfectly!

In the following paragraphs, substitute Randy Rhoades for Sean Hannity, Al Franken for Bill O'Reilly, and AM 760 for Fox News.

"Sean Hannity at least admits he's an idiot, while Bill O'Reilly actually tries to say he's fair and balanced. Ha!

For the politically interested novice, this conscious reversing of Fox News can - in a strange way - be a refreshing, interesting, and even fun exercise. It's about all you can do with something like this."

Hey, Grant, thanks for writing my blog post for me this morning.

The real question is: Why is this in the letter to the editor section? It has nothing to do with any stories the RMN or DP published. It seems like this section has become a place to generate new stories as opposed to commenting on those already in print.