Thursday, April 14, 2005

So Much to Blog, So Little Time

There's been tons of stuff going on, but not enough time to get to it all. I've been working on my wife's site lately. It's still under construction, but coming together nicely. I've also been dealing with all the latest fire drills at work.

All that being said, I've given a lot of thought to one of my two positions in this earlier post.

On the issue of the Senate filibuster and confirmation of judges, I've switched opinions: I think that the Republicans should change the Senate rules to require only 51 votes for cloture. As Sen. McCain said this weekend, "Elections have consequences." Our whole system of government from the national level down is baed on majority rule. The fact that we have 3 branches of government, especially an independent judiciary, ensures that no one branch becomes more powerful than the others. That does not mean that the minority gets to shut down the government whenever they don't like something. The purpose of the minority is to object, not obstruct. If the minority wants to make a change, then they need to win elections.

Also, if the party in the majority was reversed, I doubt that the Democrats would hesitate to change the rules of the Senate to halt a Republican filibuster.