Thursday, June 30, 2005

Memory Lapse

In this morning's DP editorial the question of President Bush using 9/11 as justification for the war on Iraq is called into question:

"At least five times, Bush tied the war in Iraq to the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. The tie-in is a tactical gimmick we had hoped he'd left on the campaign trail.

The president harks back to Sept. 11 because the attack provided ample justification for military response. But that was al-Qaeda and Afghanistan. Iraq itself had nothing to do with Sept. 11, even though the Bush administration insists on weaving the two together."

It seems that the editorial boards have forgotten that President Bush was not the only one who linked 9/11 and Iraq.

Over at The Corner Mark Levin points out the text of the resolution that several Democrats voted for:

How soon some of our liberal friends forget. Among others, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Chris Dodd, John Kerry, John Edwards, Joe Biden and Jay Rockefeller voted for the October 11, 2002 congressional joint resolution authorizing the president, on his discretion, to go to war. Here, in part, is what the resolution said:

"Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq:

"Whereas Iraq continues to aid and harbor other international terroist organizations, including organizations that threaten the lives and safety of United States citizens;

"Whereas the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, underscored the gravity of the threat posed by the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by international terrorist organizations ...

And not a single news person bothered to ask any critics of the president's speech last night how they can square their offense at the president's linking terrorism to the war against Iraq when they did the same exact thing.

Hat-tip: Powerline

In addition, Hugh Hewitt is leading the charge against the "retooling" and "redefinition" push from the MSM:

"The MoveOn/Dean/Clinton/Moore/Kennedy/Brownstein gang wants to revise history in order to make it easier to assault the GOP in 2006. The reaction from the public will be the same as in 2002 and 2004, I think: A fundamentally feckless party cannot be allowed near the controls of national security, and a fundamentally deceptive MSM will not be trusted to tell us that that party has the answers."

As usual, the DP is a part of this deception.