Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Ah, the blogosphere is swarming again, but this time it is to cut the fat in the federal government spending. Instapundit has the details on media attention.

Here's the Porkbusters website.

Check it out and ask your local congressmen and women to CUT THE FAT!!!

Technorati tag:

UPDATE: Surely, you can't be serious! As of 12:30 PM Easter Time today, the only congressperson who has committed to cuts is Nancy Pelosi! Now, it's based on a statement on CNN so there may be others that haven't updated the site at TTLB, but come on Rebublicans, step up!

UPDATE #2: As you can see in my comments below, there is another site tackling this issue called Porkopolis which contains a spreadsheet showing specific pork earmarks for each state.