Monday, March 20, 2006

Three Years in Iraq - By The Numbers

In three years in Iraq, the official death toll is 2,317. In the worst month for U.S. losses in Vietnam, May 1968, the death toll was 2,316.

It's taken us three years to surpass the worst single month in Vietnam, lending even less support to the Iraq-is-the-next-Vietnam/quagmire argument.

Every life that is lost is tragic; however, to put this into perspective, the United State Department of Transportation estimates that 42,884 people were killed in auto accidents in 2003. 42,636 were killed in 2004. Given that these numbers are close, it is safe to say about 42,000 people were killed in auto accidents in 2005.

Over roughly the same three year period, about 125,000 people died on U.S roads.

Maybe John Murtha should propose a ban on driving in the U.S.

More numbers on the Iraq War here.

Courtesy of Instapundit.