Friday, October 29, 2004

OBL - What Does It Mean?

So Osama is back with a new tape. There'll be no way to say for certain that its not him. How does it affect the election? As I wrote earlier, there can't be that many undecideds left. Some may take the new video as a reminder that we are at war and stick with the President. Some may take the video as a signal that we haven't gotten rid of OBL and Kerry may do better. However, I can't think that this really sways the election, except...

The Al Qa Qaa story was obviously the story that the Democrats and MSM wanted to run with up through the election. Now, it's history. Gone. Finished. Off the front page. The focus is back on OBL and the Global War on Terror. For the next 4 days, it will be all about who can protect you better: President Bush or John Kerry.

The polls have shown that voters prefer President Bush in the War on Terror, but we'll see if this new video changes any minds or of it gives Bush the last boost he needs to get a second term.