Saturday, March 05, 2005

Douglas County Republicans Breakfast

Earlier this week, I posted that I would be going to the Douglas County Republican's First Friday Breakfast.

I was surprised to see the number of state officials at the breakfast on Friday. There were representatives from the offices of Senator Wayne Allard and Representative Tom Tancredo. State Senator Mark Hillman and State Representatives Mike May and Ted Harvey were also there to give an update on the doings of the State Legislature. There were also numerous representatives from the Parker city government. As far as getting plugged in to the political process in Colorado, I think this is a good way to go.

Next month's guest will be even better. Governor Bill Owens will be at the breakfast. The details are as follows:

Time and Date: Friday, April 1st from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
Cost: $9.00 per person
Location: Select Hotel by Holiday Inn - 19308 Cottonwood Drive, Parker CO
Contact: Jack Hilbert at for more information.

The breakfast is limited to the first 100 people. If you live in Douglas County or near Douglas County, take this opportunity to meet the governor.