Thursday, June 30, 2005

Memory Lapse - Part II

Of course, Mike Littwin had to get into the "Bush-isn't-allowed-to-talk-about-9/11-and-Iraq-in-the-same-speech" act.

No surprise there. There are a good number of folks asking President Bush to talk about 9/11 more often.

Byron York has an article on this subject called: Mr. President, please talk more about Sept. 11:

"But what’s so wrong with talking about Sept. 11? It was only a world-historic, before-and-after event that has fundamentally changed the way the United States deals with the rest of the planet.

If Bush administration officials have made a mistake on the national security front in the months since the election, it is that they have not talked about Sept. 11 enough."

Andrew McCarthy, in his article, It's All About 9/11 writes:

"The president should know he hit the sweet spot during his Fort Bragg speech because all the right people are angry. The New York Times, with predictable disingenuousness, is railing this morning that the 9/11 references in the speech are out of bounds because Iraq had “nothing whatsoever to do with the terrorist attacks.” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and the tedious David Gergen, among others, are in Gergen's words “offended” about use of the 9/11 “trump card.”

If the president is guilty of anything, it's not that he's dwelling on 9/11 enough. It's that the administration has not done a good enough job of probing and underscoring the nexus between the Saddam regime and al Qaeda. It is absolutely appropriate, it is vital, for him to stress that connection. This is still the war on terror, and Iraq, where the terrorists are still arrayed against us, remains a big part of that equation."

The main reason that all the right people are angry is because they know that they cannot beat the 9/11 argument. Frustration leads them to anger. Why are they frustrated, because they know the truth about what they have not been telling America: They were all involved in sending us into Iraq.

Check out SoCalPundit for the complete round-up of all the things that happened prior to the Iraq War and all the people who were involved. Most of the people screaming for exit strategies and timetables were right there at the start, cheering us on. This great post also details the connections between Saddam and 9/11. Most of this history is conveniently left out of the daily newspapers.