Friday, April 28, 2006

It Pains Them to Say It

You know that, for the authors of this article in the NYT, writing it was like rubbing the soles of their feet with cheese graters and then plopping them in a vat of lemon juice:

"Gas prices are rising, as are mortgage rates. House prices in many once-hot markets have started slipping. The American automobile industry shows no sign of recovery. And the paychecks of most workers have not even kept up with inflation over the last four years.

Yet the national economy continues to speed ahead, with families and businesses spending money at an impressive pace. Forecasters expect the Commerce Department to report this morning that the economy grew at a rate of around 5 percent in the first quarter, the biggest increase since 2003."

Actually, the authors, after the lead, wrote a pretty fair and balanced (I didn't think it possible at the NYT) piece.