Friday, May 26, 2006

Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda

This phrase is a warning, which should be heeded, from Iran's supreme nutjob Ahmadinejad. Most of the non-Islamic world has ignored this phrase, which was the closing sentence of his letter to President Bush.

It means: Peace only unto those who follow the true path.

The reason to take it seriously is summed up in this NY Sun editorial:

"It is a phrase with historical significance in Islam, for, according to Islamic tradition, in year six of the Hejira - the late 620s - the prophet Mohammad sent letters to the Byzantine emperor and the Sassanid emperor telling them to convert to the true faith of Islam or be conquered. The letters included the same phrase that President Ahmadinejad used to conclude his letter to Mr. Bush. For Mohammad, the letters were a prelude to a Muslim offensive, a war launched for the purpose of imposing Islamic rule over infidels."

Iran intends to start a worldwide jihad against non-Muslims. Will we take action to stop them, or revert to the ways of 1938 and let the dictator make the first move?

Hati-tip: Hugh