Michael Yon
If you don't already read Michael Yon, you need to. If you want to know what it is really like in Iraq, read his dispatches. He calls it like he sees it and from the soldier's perspective. He is the true modern day Ernie Pyle.
tyro - (noun) 1. One lacking professional skill and ease in a particular pursuit. 2. One who is just starting to learn to do something.
If you don't already read Michael Yon, you need to. If you want to know what it is really like in Iraq, read his dispatches. He calls it like he sees it and from the soldier's perspective. He is the true modern day Ernie Pyle.
A great article in the OpinionJournal about How to Win in Iraq and How to Lose. The article walks through historical events that show we can win in Iraq, as long as the Cowards of the Congress can be limited in the damage they will do.
Along with today's early spring snowstorm, I saw a blog entry from the local YourHub weekly paper. It's from Average Joe. Not. and proves the existence of global warming.
My wife made the comment to one of her friends yesterday, "If you want to know what he thinks, read his blog." I couldn't have said it better myself.